Main Screen
The differents objects can be put , resize with the mouse

Objects can be rotated

Objects have many properties than can be modified

Properties for a barcode object
Properties of an image object.

Parameter for counter value ( )
Parameter for Date Time

Screen to manage database and selection criterias

Screen to parameter the page and the printing

Il est ensuite possible de saisir les parametres d'impression ( nombre d'etiquettes à imprimer ( dans le cas d'impression sans utilisation de base de données) , n° de la premiere etiquette à utiliser sur la premiere page , l'imprimante à utiliser ... )

Preview screen

This screen permits to show the first page that will be printed

Screen to permits to calculate the checksum number of many barcodes types
(for EAN13 , EAN8 , UPC-A , EAN14 , SSCC , ISBN )